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Editorial arrow 3D Laser Welding
3D Laser Welding

Soudure Laser 3D

Soudure Laser 3D

Soudure Laser 3D

Soudure Laser 3D

Soudure Laser 3D

Soudure Laser 3D

3D Laser Welding

Our facility enables the welding of parts of up to 15 m in length on materials such as stainless steel, Inconel, titanium, etc

Technical characteristics:

Machine 7 mobility axes

Travel    X: 15000 mm
Y: 2400 mm
Z: 900 mm
C: Rotation of the head approx. 450°
D: Angular rotation approx. 135°
A: Rotary table bound to 1/1000°
Accuracy to the nearest tenth of a millimetre in 3D
Laser source ROFIN - SINAR CO2 3500 W SLAB


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