| ForgingForging from 0.1 kg TO 250 tons - Free forge - Circular rolling
The many grades produced, a unit weight of 0.1 kg to 250 tons, enable us to meet most requirements for forged parts on the market.
From boiler making, mechanical engineering, industrial plumbing...
Type of parts: - Free forged - Circular rolling Materials:carbon steels and low temperature - Alloy steels - High-temperature steels - Stainless steels Nickel and alloys (Income, Oncology; Model etc.) - Titanium - Super alloys
Maximum dimensions of forged parts Rings:
- up to 8 meters - weight: approximately 100 tons - height: 15.800 m
Free forge
Rounds, bars, shafts, blocks, discs, rings and circular profiles with very large dimensions, obtained by free forge and circular rolling (max. Ø 6000). Max. unit weight 180,000 kg. We supply to orders, unmachined forged parts, roughly machined parts, or parts fully machined to drawings.