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Editorial arrow High-Speed Machining
High-Speed Machining

Usinage a grande vitesse

Usinage a grande vitesse

Usinage a grande vitesse

Usinage a grande vitesse

Usinage a grande vitesse

Usinage a grande vitesse

High-Speed Machining

High-speed machining (HSM) is a technique for obtaining a better surface result, thanks to the high cutting speed (5 to 10 times higher than usual machining speeds). 

HSM has several basic characteristics to the machine:
computer numerical control, special spindle and tools, etc.

Examples of machines; please consult us for all dimensions

1 - RAMBAUDI Ram Speed H Plus 

4500 x 2700 x 1500 

1 automatic universal head  47 kW/4000 rpm/560 Nm

1 head, 5 simultaneous axes, 32 kW/2400 rpm/58 Nm

2 - 1 miller reamer, CNC Long Travel Machining SACHMAN RAMBAUDI 4-axis travelling column + driven head and double rotating table, travel 8000 x 2750 x 1400 + W axis 1500.

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