| Alloy steels Sheet-Plate-Solid bar-Tubes and Accessories15M03, 13CRM044, 10CRM0910, 15 Mo3, 13CrMo44 and 10CrMo910 alloy steel sheet
formats from 1000 X 2000 to 3000 X 12000 - thicknesses from 1 to 250 mm
The properties of steels are modified by adding other, mainly metallic, ingredients. These are known as alloy steels.
In addition, their properties can be further greatly improved by heat treatment (especially quenching), on the surface or to the core of the material (the word "surface" has several meanings, sometimes a geometrical shape, sometimes a physical frontier, often ...(*2)). These are what we call heat treated steels.
In addition to these potential properties, and in comparison with other metal alloys, the great advantage of steel resides in the combination of high values in the basic mechanical properties of:
•strength: Young's modulus, yield strength and mechanical strength;
•impact resistance;
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