| Heavy-duty boilermaking • 1- Specialised in the manufacturing of apparatus for all industries:
A few examples are given below
• Pad-type grinder • Grinders • Dowel type grinder • Complete furnaces • Tyre-mounted hoops • Tyres (Cast, forged, shrunk on, welded) • Mechanically welded tyres • Forged tyres • Forged tyres • Combined tyres (rolling and driving) • Tyres shrunk on hoop (clean process) • Bolted tyres • Tyres on shims • Welded tyres
• 2 – Specialised in the design,
manufacturing, assembly and commissioning of dryers, pelletizers, wrapping machines,… For the chemical, fertilizer and food industries • 3 – Supply of different types of control
harness with various models of crown gear, pinion crown gear and drive gear according to process constraints and specific customer demands.
• Crown gear models:
1. Mechanically welded crowns 2. Forged crowns 3. Cast crowns
• Means of attachment:
1. Crowns attached by tangential blades 2. Crowns bolted on bridge 3. Crowns bolted on flanges 4. Squirrel cages
• Driving means:
1. Kiss gating 2. By reducer with hydraulic coupler 3. By reducer with flexible or toothed coupler
4. By friction (method specific to tyres) |