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Editorial arrow Welding and Testing
Welding and Testing

Soudage-Soudure avec Controle

Soudage-Soudure avec Controle

Soudage-Soudure avec Controle

Soudage-Soudure avec Controle

Soudage-Soudure avec Controle

Soudage-Soudure avec Controle

Soudage-Soudure avec Controle

Soudage-Soudure avec Controle

Welding and Testing

Our welding means     
We are able to provide our customers with the services of a welding engineer or welders with various qualifications (see hereinafter) and experience with different materials (basic, stainless, duplex and special steels).

We are also able to perform various tests in our workshops (x-ray, US, magnetic particle inspection, drying, etc).
Arc welding TIG, MIG

Semi-automatic welding

Automatic submerged arc welding    7 arms
Rotation table     50t    diameter 7.000 x 4.000

Locator     50t    diameter 7.000 x 4.000 x rotation 0 to 90°


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